5 Tips to Prevent Overactive Bladder
Overactive bladder, also known as OAB, results in the sudden and frequent urge for urination. Most of the time, it is difficult for you to control this urge. There will also be times when you will feel the need to pass urine several times during the day and night. It may also result in urgent incontinence or unintentional urine loss. OAB can be embarrassing for some people. So, what should you do for overactive bladder prevention? Read on to find out. 1. Maintain bowel regularity When you are constipated, there is an added pressure on the bladder. It has a negative implication on bladder function. However, maintaining healthy bowel habits can help you overcome constipation, and over time reduce the symptoms. You can increase your fiber consumption to maintain bowel regularity. Consider adding foods such as bran, cereal, pasta, beans, whole-wheat bread, vegetables, and fruits to your diet. Exercise daily and take two tablespoons of a mix of one cup unprocessed wheat bran, one cup apple sauce, and ¾ cup prune juice, and consume this mixture early in the morning. 2. Quit smoking Cigarette smoking can be irritating for the bladder muscles. When you experience repeated coughing spasms, it may result in urine leakage. 3.
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